Damage Checklist

Special Problems of Unoccupied Properties All Too Real


It’s nice to believe that when you close on the purchase of a vacation home in coastal Delaware, you can look forward to years of a safe investment plus family fun and precious memories. Unfortunately, absentee ownership also comes with unavoidable headaches. Some are unique to the beach where severe winds, salt air, sub-zero temperatures and occasional tidal flooding are common; others are true of unoccupied property anywhere. Welcome Home offers you the joy of owning a vacation home without the worries.

Here is a list of a few actual issues our service discovered and thwarted before major damage or theft occurred.


  • Exterior door leading to the home’s interior found wide open
  • Roof leaked into an interior ceiling and wall
  • Exterior shower pipes not winterized
  • Unlocked windows discovered
  • Flood vent found inoperable
  • Roof shingles missing after storm
  • Mold on HVAC ceiling vent discovered
  • Exterior flower box damaged from vandalism – police alerted
  • Heat mistakenly left off in mechanical room
  • Pipes and electrical ceiling penetrations unsealed allowing critter and insect access
  • Holes found in soffit screen, another critter access point
  • Thermostat malfunction
  • Siding missing
Row of colorful beach houses

Contact us for more information or to schedule your FREE, no-obligation consultation.

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